Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Pond Of Sadness

We stood there by the big oak tree as he looks far in the distance with those sad eyes wanting to touch his face and wipe away those sadness that indented in his face as a print of an agony painting dripping of sorrow. He started to walk and I walked right beside him quietly... as memories flooded my mind of him and I laying there below the tree talking happily...

We started to walk by a house as he stopped and touched the wall and had a very sad smile on his face even though it was just a glance I can tell it was good memories he had here. I stood next to him as I reached up to the wall myself and I can feel his pain his sorrow... and all our memories collapsed on me in this house... it was ours. Memories all coming back to me as if I was there right now in his arms... but I'm not. I'm just right next to him as he walks away sadly... I ask myself... why is he so sad. why can't i put myself to hold his hand... touch him... feel him... But instead I walk beside him sadly. I want to comfort him... but something makes me sadly walk beside him watch him as he slowly seem to die in pain...

He moves on as time flies I never noticed but we moved so fast as if we just kept moving from room to room with a different scene of a sad movie. We reached a Pond when I started to feel pain all over my body. I panicked and looked at him for help when I noticed tears were falling from his beautiful sad face. I tried to reach for him as he fell to the floor... There were no memories I could see here at this pond... but pain... the pain ripping my body apart I held myself shaking as i fell to the ground. He called my name... I hear echos of him screaming my name I looked up as he slowly walks into the water. I stood up fast and ran to him trying to stop him but i ran right through him. In shock... I fell into the water and as i fell down I went straight to the bottom and memories came fast as a flow down the river...

The memories were him and I, walking to this Pond as I saw a beautiful Lotus (cause its my name) and wanted it but I couldn't reach it he reached in for me and got me one as he laid a kiss on my forehead. I was greedy and reached down for more he tried to pull me back but by time i noticed I saw these yellow eyes down below in the water it came up to me fast a big alligator snatched my arm and pulled me down oh the pain seemed so painful and real. It pulled me down as it threw me back and forth breaking my bones in my body. I can still see him screaming for help jumping in as he tries to release me... after all that all I can remember and see was my body broken as I laid in him arms... he also had blood all over him crying in pain as he cried screaming my name...

The memories stopped there. I stood up and looked at him as he slowly walks into the pond. I cried and called his name and he stopped and looked around


I walked to him and tried to hug him as if he could feel me... the wind started to blow and he stopped moving and took a long breathe and slowly walked back to land. He wiped away his tears

I'll always love you.

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